24 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani For Those Who Are Raring To Go

The wise, with their knowledge and pure thought, create the events of tomorrow.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Wise, do not over-joke.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The wise one calls everyone to freedom and enlightenment.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Wise people do not become inferior tools.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Magic and lies do not involve wisdom.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

In the worst case, the wise man is silent, but he does not lie.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Inside us, is not hidden from the keen eye of the wise.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Kiss your master's hand, because he is both a father and a nurturer of wisdom.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The secret to keeping wisdom right is monotony and forgiveness.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

عکسنوشته انگلیسی سخنان استاد فیلسوف حکیم اُرُد بزرگ خراسانی A-17

The way to fight against misconceptions is to engage in right thinking. Any other way makes the root of the deviation stronger.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Man's liberation is the result of wisdom and knowledge.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Even the beheaded wise speak in a thousand ways.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The student's clear question is more valuable than the teacher's answer.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The night of life is as bright as day for the wise.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Students who always repeat their teacher's words without innovation will never bring glory to themselves or their teacher.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani


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